Make the VMC your next destination

Come enjoy free live music, take in public art and catch a movie at the drive-in
Over the last month, the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre (VMC) has played host to free live music, art installations, outdoor movies and much more.
On Thursday, Aug. 26, the final performance of Music in the Square is set to take place from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. in ArtWalk at SmartVMC, at 101 Edgeley Blvd. Hosted in partnership with Arcadia Live!

Is there an unsung hero in your neighbourhood?

Nominate them for the 2021 Order of Vaughan!
Recognizing extraordinary acts of public service – this is what the City’s annual Order of Vaughan award does. It is the highest honour the City may bestow on an individual who is dedicated to bettering the city, advocating for the community and bringing about positive change. If this sounds like someone you know, nominate them for consideration.

Water it right!

Know when to water your lawn to help conserve this precious resource
With the summer sun and heat in full force, you may want to water your lawn or garden more often – but did you know the City of Vaughan restricts water use from May 15 to Sept. 30 to support the environment and conserve this precious resource? It’s crucial for everyone to work together to manage water use by following designated watering dates and times, especially during warm temperatures when water demand is at its peak.

Recycle it right!

Sort your waste properly to reduce your environmental impact
Did you know that not all plastics can go in the blue bin, even if they have the recycling symbol on the product or packaging? Recycling properly makes a big difference, and it’s everyone’s shared responsibility to the environment to reduce the number of items sent to the landfill.

Out with the old and in with the ‘new’!

The next Curbside Giveaway Days are Aug. 28-29
For those looking to do summer cleaning and add something new to your home, now is your chance. With the next Curbside Giveaway Days taking place from Saturday, Aug. 28 to Sunday, Aug. 29, you can place gently used items at the curb for reuse by others and visit other participating properties to find hidden gems of your own!

Vaughan needs school crossing guards!

Help keep the community safe and apply online today
Attention road-safety enthusiasts: the City is hiring crossing guards for the 2021/22 school year! This is your opportunity to make a difference and help keep children and families safe when walking to and from school.
With more than 114 crosswalks throughout Vaughan, both full-time and standby crossing guards are needed to serve all locations.
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