Celebrating National Forest Week

National Forest Week

Do you know why trees are so important? They contribute to our overall quality of life by producing oxygen, improving mental and physical health, and providing shelter for animals and food for humans. Trees also cool the air, save water, reduce noise pollution, capture stormwater runoff and beautify the community.


For these reasons and more, the City of Vaughan has proclaimed Sept. 22 to 28 National Forest Week, recognized annually in Canada, and Sept. 25 National Tree Day. To kick off the week, Mayor Steven Del Duca and Members of Council gathered for a tree planting ceremony by the Vaughan Civic Centre Resource Library this morning. 


Here are some of the other ways we demonstrate our ongoing commitment to fostering a sustainable future by helping preserve and protect our trees.


Urban Forest Management Plan: Vaughan’s urban forest comprises every tree in our city, including those in our yards, streets, ravines and parks. Our Urban Forest Management Plan helps care for and protect every tree in Vaughan. Watch our short video to learn more about the plan.


Tree City of the World: The City has been recognized as a Tree City of the World for three consecutive years. This designation acknowledges Vaughan as a green city, dedicated to fostering a sustainable and healthy environment. This Arbor Day Foundation program recognizes municipalities committed to ensuring urban forests and trees are properly maintained, sustainably managed and celebrated.


Tree planting requests: The City is committed to planting trees to enhance City parks, facilities and streets. We take a proactive approach to identify tree planting opportunities citywide. You can either request the City to plant a tree near your home or get approval to plant your own tree on a City-owned boulevard at vaughan.ca/trees.


Green Guardians: Join City-led or community-driven events and activities to promote environmental stewardship and help keep Vaughan safe, clean and beautiful. You can participate in the City’s Corporate Tree Planting program by becoming a Green Guardian to help improve the environment, give back to the community, get active, socialize and build employee engagement. 


Environmental sustainability events: The City holds environmental events throughout the year, including tree plantings, workshops and webinars, the 20-Minute Makeover, Environmental Days and more. Learn more about them and how you can get involved at vaughan.ca/EnvironmentalSustainability


Tree pruning and inspections: An important part of our commitment to protecting our forests includes maintaining the city’s urban tree canopy. Through the Council-endorsed Tree Maintenance Strategy, every City-owned street tree will be pruned at seven-year intervals. The strategy includes increased tree inspections and prioritizes quality services by managing and improving the urban forest and increasing canopy cover – an important element of green infrastructure and the overall health of the Vaughan community and its ecosystem.


Tree removal permits and protection: Preserving and protecting healthy trees will help the City achieve its commitment to maintain and enhance the urban forest and the environment. The Tree Protection Protocol (PDF) implements procedures to maintain and enhance the public’s tree canopy through the development approval process.


Tree Protection By-law: The Tree Protection By-law 052-2018 (PDF) regulates the planting, maintenance and removal of trees on public and private property. Under the by-law, an offence may include the destruction of a tree or injuring a tree without a permit, failing to protect a tree that is identified for protection in the permit conditions, or failing to comply with an order.


For more information about our urban forest and City initiatives to preserve and protect our trees, visit vaughan.ca/forestry and vaughan.ca/environment.


For the latest updates, subscribe to Vaughan News and follow the official corporate channels on XFacebookInstagram and LinkedIn.




“Vaughan is a green city with sustainability at the heart of our city-building efforts. We protect our natural environment and foster a more sustainable future through our many social and economic initiatives. This year, the City of Vaughan proclaimed Sept. 22 to 28 National Tree Week, which helps underscore our unwavering commitment to protecting our environment while preserving the city’s natural beauty. Today’s tree planting ceremony serves as a reminder of how small actions can make a big difference in the years to come. I want to thank all the Parks, Forestry and Horticulture Operations staff who work hard to ensure our urban forest remains healthy and green.” 

Mayor Steven Del Duca




  • National Forest Week in Canada is celebrated every year on the third week of September. The City of Vaughan has proclaimed Sept. 22 to 28, 2024 National Forest Week, and Sept. 28, 2024 National Tree Day.
  • Mayor Del Duca and Members of Council kicked off the week with a tree planting ceremony at Vaughan Civic Centre Resource Library this morning.
  • Vaughan’s urban forest is made up of about four million trees on public and private lands that enhance the quality of life in our community.
  • The City of Vaughan has been recognized as a Tree City of the World for three consecutive years.
  • The City of Vaughan demonstrates our ongoing commitment to fostering a sustainable future by helping preserve and protect our trees. Initiatives include the Urban Forest Management Plan, tree planting requests, the Corporate Tree Planting program, environmental sustainability events, the Tree Maintenance Strategy, the Tree Protection Protocol, and the Tree Protection By-law.
  • The Urban Forest Management Plan provides information on the current state of the City’s trees and the strategic direction necessary to manage them over the next 20 years. 
  • Vaughan’s woodlots play an important role in providing biodiversity habitats, removing carbon from the air and offering trails to residents. 




  • City of Vaughan’s website

  • City of Vaughan’s Urban Forestry webpage

  • Canadian Institute of Forestry’s webpage