Citizen Survey Results are in

Vaughan Fostering a Vibrant Community Life with Services and Amenities that Citizens Enjoy

The results are in and the majority of residents enjoy living in the City of Vaughan, which they say is a clean, quiet community with access to desired city services. The key findings of the 2014 Citizen Survey were presented to Council at a meeting on Jan. 23.

Highlights from the survey:

  • 95 per cent of residents believe quality of life to be either good or very good
  • 90 per cent of residents are very or somewhat satisfied with services overall
  • 72 per cent of residents believe they receive very good or fairly good value for their tax dollars

The results show that Vaughan is delivering excellent community services and programs. Satisfaction with City services remains high overall. Some of the highest-rated services are:

  • Fire services — 99 per cent satisfaction rating
  • Recreation and fitness programs — 92 per cent satisfaction rating
  • Parks, open space and greenery — 90 per cent satisfaction rating
  • Arts and culture — 90 per cent satisfaction rating

In late November and early December 2014 Forum Research, on behalf of the City of Vaughan, conducted 800 telephone surveys to get input from residents on quality of life, delivery of City services, use of tax dollars, availability of online-based services and more. Read the presentation to Council online, or visit for more information about the survey results.