City of Vaughan Welcomes Delegation from Friendship City of Lanciano, Italy

City of Vaughan
Oct. 21, 2013

Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua and Members of Council welcomed a delegation from Lanciano, Italy to Vaughan City Hall on Oct. 17. Vaughan and Lanciano established a Friendship Cities partnership in 2002 to promote social, cultural and educational exchanges.
“We are honoured to have this delegation visit our City, and it was a pleasure to welcome Mayor Pupillo for the first time,” said Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua. “We value these opportunities to celebrate the relationships we have with our Friendship Cities. Vaughan is also home to a strong and vibrant Italian community and I want to thank the Circolo Ricreativo Lancianese for continuing to foster this rich cultural spirit in our community.” 
Lanciano Mayor Mario Pupillo, who was elected in 2011, visited the City of Vaughan on Thursday to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the partnership between the two cities. Lanciano’s last official visit to Vaughan was in September 2008 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Circolo Ricreativo Lancianese, an Italian Canadian social club in Vaughan representing people of Lancianese origin.
In addition to the official visit with the City, Mayor Pupillo participated in the Circolo Ricreativo Lancianese’s Festa Celebrations on Oct. 20. 
The City of Lanciano is in the Province of Chieti in the Abruzzo Region of Italy, next to the Adriatic Sea and a three-hour drive from Rome. Lanciano's major industry sectors include agriculture, tourism and automotive.