City’s 2013 Budget Balances Service Levels And Financial Sustainability

Vaughan Council unanimously approved the City’s 2013 Operating and Capital Budgets at a Special Meeting of Council on Monday, February 11. A total of $238 million has been allocated for services and City operations and $58 million for capital improvements.
The residential tax increase for the City of Vaughan for 2013 is $32 or $2.67 per month on an average home assessed at $517,000, an increase of 2.69 per cent. There is also a 0.91 per cent increase of approximately $11 annually for the Hospital Capital Levy which supports the community financial contribution required to bring a hospital to Vaughan.
“The City of Vaughan is committed to maintaining service levels that enhance the quality of life of our residents while continuing to be fiscally responsible,” said Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua. “By being focused and disciplined we continue to build a sustainable city anchored to the values of integrity, accountability and respect for the hard-earned taxpayers’ dollar.”
Budget highlights include funding for additional firefighters, construction of a new fire station, road repairs, Kleinburg library improvements, as well as the implementation of the Emerald Ash Borer program and the upkeep of parks and sports amenities.
“Vaughan is a well-managed City and we continue to demonstrate financial leadership and discipline by ensuring residents receive value for their property tax dollars,” said Councillor Marilyn Iafrate, Chair of the Finance and Administration Committee. “The budget report identifies several key priorities, which include strengthening community safety and investing in infrastructure renewal and city building initiatives. Together with the public’s participation, we have collectively brought forward a final budget that is responsible and realistic for the City and our residents.”
The City’s budget focuses on many essential services and programs including fire protection, snow removal, bylaw enforcement, road maintenance and repairs, sewer maintenance, parks, recreation and culture.
“As the City moves forward and continues to grow, financial sustainability and best practices will continue to be our key priorities,” said City Manager Clayton Harris. “City staff has worked diligently to produce a comprehensive budget. We have successfully incorporated a multi-year framework into the 2013-2016 budgeting process. Projects can now be scheduled or phased-in over a four year period, creating a more balanced and responsible approach to planning for the future.”
  • $1.89M for the renewal of Black Creek within the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre, the City’s new downtown area between Highway 7 and Highway 407, including culvert improvements.
  • Greenhouse gas emissions at the corporate and community level will be reduced through an action plan to be developed by the City as part of a commitment under the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ Partners for Climate Protection Program.
  • Soccer Field Maintenance is being provided in exchange for usage rights of 13 additional soccer fields offered by the York Catholic District School Board to the City as an expansion of an existing soccer field agreement.
  • $11.4M for a three-phase Pavement Management Program (Phase 1, 2 & 3) to rehabilitate selected roads in Woodbridge, Thornhill and Concord, including Dufferin and Centre Street; Weston and Langstaff Road; Pine Valley and Langstaff Road and Kipling Avenue and Highway 7.
  • $4.7M for construction of 9,300-sq-ft Fire Station #7-3 in the vicinity of the Vaughan Enterprise Zone employment lands in the west end of the City.
  • $0.7M for the fire department to purchase a Pumper/Engine for Station #7-5 located in the Weston Road and Highway 7 area as a result of increased demand due to growth.
  • $0.8M for repairs and improvements to the Kleinburg Library including a new roof, windows, brick repairs and replacement of emergency exit stairs.
  • $0.8M for asphalt and concrete replacement around the Rosemount Community Centre to remove trip hazards caused by uneven surfaces.
For complete details, visit the City’s “Budget” page. Click here.