Developing the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre

VMC Sub Oct

The Vaughan Metropolitan Centre (VMC) is the largest and most ambitious development project in the City of Vaughan’s history. More than a decade into its evolution, our downtown core continues to transform. Key city-building projects are in the works, public engagement opportunities are underway and new community amenities are opening for public use. There’s lots to be excited about!


The City is committed to developing the VMC as a complete community with a mix of uses that are transit-supportive and pedestrian-friendly. It is envisioned to be the financial, innovation and cultural centre of Vaughan, with a vibrant sense of place, a high-quality public realm and environmentally sustainable design practices. 


The City’s VMC Sub-Committee meets monthly to help guide growth and bring the vision to life. The following items were discussed during the October meeting


VMC Parking Pilot Update and Recommendations 

The City initiated an On-Street Paid Parking Pilot Project in the VMC in 2020 to implement paid parking on New Park Place, Apple Mill Road and Buttermill Avenue. In 2023, the program was extended and expanded to include Bent Tree Drive and Mable Smith Way. Given the success of the pilot, City staff recommend a permanent program be established and are now exploring new value-added features, such as electric vehicle charging stations and paid, secured bicycle lockers. 


VMC Interchange Way and Millway Avenue Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Studies – Final Update 

The City initiated the Interchange Way and Millway Avenue Municipal Class Environmental (EA) Assessment studies in 2020. Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 3 are now complete, in addition to two rounds of public consultation where the preferred design alternative and cross-section for both roads were presented. Staff are now in Phase 4, and will be completing EA Study Reports with all project findings and recommendations. The target completion is by the end of 2024. 


VMC Parks and Wayfinding Master Plan – Final Report 

City staff are bringing forward the final VMC Parks and Wayfinding Master Plan for adoption. The plan includes:

  • a Parks Master Plan, which aims to guide the timely development of parkland within the VMC.
  • a Signage and Wayfinding Master Plan, which features a Signage Pilot, to help people move through its public realm. 


About the VMC Sub-Committee

The VMC Sub-Committee is comprised of Members of Vaughan Council and City staff – including the City Manager, the Deputy City Manager of Planning and Growth Management and the VMC program team. The Committee’s mandate – outlined in the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre Sub-Committee Terms of Reference (PDF) – will run throughout the 2022 to 2026 Term of Council. 


All Committee meetings are open to the public in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001 and streamed live at Meetings are posted within the Council and Committee meeting calendar, available at


To learn more about the VMC Sub-Committee, visit


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