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City of Vaughan

COVID-19 Updates

City of Vaughan news is released on a daily basis and kept on vaughan.ca for reference purposes. For the most recent updates and news as they happen, visit vaughan.ca/COVID19, subscribe to Vaughan News and follow the official corporate channels on TwitterFacebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. 

Registration is OPEN for fall swim and aquatic leadership classes at vaughan.perfectmind.com

Who says swimming is only fun in the summer? With the change in seasons quickly approaching, registration is now open for the City of Vaughan’s fall aquatic lessons at select community centre pools. Classes begin Saturday, Sept. 18 and pre-registration is required at vaughan.perfectmind.com.

Swim lessons

Learn to swim with the City of Vaughan! Offerings include all levels of the Lifesaving Society’s Swim for Life program, with lessons for all ages from four months old to adults. View a complete list of classes online (PDF) and schedules at vaughan.perfectmind.com. The online registration system features enhanced search filters, allowing you to sort by level, location, day and time. 

Parents and guardians who are unsure about what level to register their child in can get a free assessment from a City of Vaughan lifeguard during any recreational swim.

For special needs swims, parents/guardians are required to complete a Special Needs Information Form and provide proof of their child’s disability or a doctor’s certificate indicating their child has a disability, and one-on-one swimming is recommended. In addition, participants must provide their own support worker as the swim instructor will remain on deck. For more information, email specialneeds@vaughan.ca.

As part of the check-in procedure, participants are required to complete the Provincial Public Health Self-assessment prior to entering the facility. Visit vaughan.ca/swim for more information on swim lessons and recreational swimming.  

Aquatic leadership programs

Swim instructors and lifeguards are important part-time jobs, and the City is hiring! Training and certification in aquatic leadership courses – delivered by the City’s aquatic leadership staff – will be available at select community centre pools starting on Friday, Sept. 10. Pre-registration is required at vaughan.perfectmind.com. For more information, visit vaughan.ca/swim.

Recreational swimming

Classes aren’t for you? Book a recreational swim session online at vaughan.perfectmind.com. Members and residents can register for a recreational or length swim or aquafitness class four days and two hours in advance. Non-members and non-residents can register for a swim or aquafitness class two days and two hours in advance.

Pools are operating based on the guidance of public health authorities. This includes controlled access, capacity limits of up to 50 per cent where physical distancing permits, scheduled 60-minute pool time blocks and a 30-minute shutdown in-between swim times for cleaning and sanitization. Spas and diving boards will be available to use. Water slides will remain closed until further notice. For details, visit vaughan.ca/swim.

The City continues to follow public health guidelines relating to COVID-19 safety and will adjust programming accordingly. This may include removing some activities and/or cancelling programs due to evolving COVID-19 restrictions. For regular updates, visit vaughan.ca/recreation.

If you require assistance creating an online registration account, call Access Vaughan at 905-832-2281, email RecCSD@vaughan.ca or watch this short informational video

Those who feel unwell and believe they have symptoms related to COVID-19 should contact York Region Public Health at 1-800-361-5653 or Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000. For additional information and resources on the virus, visit York Region's website at york.ca/COVID19.

To receive Vaughan’s latest updates as they happen, sign up for the City Update eNewsletter at vaughan.ca/CityUpdate and follow the City’s TwitterFacebook, Instagram and LinkedIn channels.

