Happy Earth Day

City of Vaughan
The City of Vaughan continues to be a leader in environmental sustainability

Today is Earth Day – an opportunity to reflect on the importance of protecting the environment, both now and for generations to come. The City of Vaughan is committed to fostering a green city. In fact, environmental stewardship is a priority in the 2018-2022 Term of Council Service Excellence Strategic Plan and it is woven into every aspect of city building in Vaughan – from planning for open green spaces to developing new community stewardship programs to implementing sustainable initiatives across the organization, and more.
This dedication to sustainability has been championed through many City-led green initiatives. Here are just a few examples:
Pollinator protection
The City is committed to protecting birds, bees, butterflies, bats and beetles, and educating citizens on the importance of these pollinators and their habitats. Pollinators are vital to the ecosystem and are responsible for one out of every three bites of food eaten. Since 2018, Vaughan Council has promised to create pollinator-friendly habitats through the National Wildlife Federation’s Mayors’ Monarch Pledge in an active commitment to change. Under this pledge, the City has planted pollinator-friendly gardens at Vaughan City Hall, Vellore Heritage Square, Veteran’s Park and Doctors McLean District Park, in addition to undertaking many other pollinator initiatives and recognizing Pollinator Week in June.
Kids can also get involved with free, fun activities designed to help teach them about pollination and why these insects and birds are important. They include an outdoor Pollinator Scavenger Hunt, a Pollination Crossword Puzzle and a Whose Home? interactive game to identify species at risk.
Earth Hour
Hosting events like the annual Vaughan Earth Hour celebration is one of the many ways the City continues to advocate for the environment and help citizens foster sustainable behaviours in their own homes. On Saturday, March 27, the City held its annual Vaughan Earth Hour event – virtually. Individuals were encouraged to sign up to receive a free pollinator seed packet, write their at-home conservation tips on Vaughan’s Earth Hour message board and share photos and videos of them completing Earth Hour activities to social media using #VaughanEarthHour. At 8 p.m., the City’s facility lights were powered down in recognition of the global movement. View a recap of the event video on the City’s YouTube channel.
Green Directions Vaughan
Green Directions Vaughan is the City’s environmental sustainability plan. This long-term plan encompasses the guiding principles and actions that the City is dedicated to putting into action to meet key environmental stewardship goals, such as enhancing stormwater management and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
The plan has evolved since it was originally approved in 2009. Today, it includes new community sustainability objectives and 70 different actions the City will take to change how the organization designs, plans and executes programs. The 2019 plan also aligns with 10 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, including building resilient infrastructure, ensuring healthy lives and providing access to affordable, modern energy. Get all the details at vaughan.ca/GreenDirections.
Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Program
Vaughan’s Thornhill neighbourhood is host to the City’s first Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Program (SNAP), an initiative created by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. The SNAP mission is simple – to create sustainable, livable communities. The program aligns municipal objectives with the best interests of Vaughan’s citizens to make an array of improvements like renovating infrastructure, upgrading paths and parks and helping homeowners improve their own energy efficiency. Learn more at trca.ca/snap-thornhill.
Keep Vaughan clean
As the warm weather continues, an increase in litter and personal protective equipment (PPE) has appeared on streets, parks and green spaces. To help keep Vaughan clean, City crews have embarked on their annual spring cleanup efforts to clear garbage and debris off public property across the city, including litter pickup in parks and boulevards and street sweeping.
Residents are encouraged to do their part in litter prevention and take the following steps when handling waste:
  • Carefully bag all garbage and green bin materials.
  • If anyone in a household is ill, place any item that has contacted the mouth, nose or eyes into the garbage. This includes items that would normally be placed into the green bin (tissues, paper towels, napkins) or blue box (water/beverage bottles and pop cans).
  • Place heavier items on top of lighter items in the blue box on windy days.
  • Do not overfill the blue box. Purchase additional boxes, if needed.
  • Refrain from placing prohibited signs on their property, as outlined in By-law 140 2018, section 3.1.
The City is reminding citizens that on Earth Day – and every day – everyone has a role to play  in protecting the environment and ensuring a clean, green future. The best place to start is by making more sustainable choices at home, at work or even when shopping.
When at home:
  • Make energy efficiency a priority when choosing appliances and heating and cooling systems.
  • Look for the most fuel efficient model when selecting a vehicle.
  • Consider meat-less meals when planning your shopping.
  • Use a fan instead of an air conditioner to keep cool.
  • Replace incandescent lightbulbs with energy-efficient lightbulbs (LEDs).
  • Unplug electronics, chargers and appliances not in use.
  • Wash clothes in cold water.
  • Sign up for paperless billing.
  • Use a green bin and blue boxes to separate waste throughout your home, including the bathroom.
  • Turn off lights when leaving a room.
If at work:
  • Only print what’s needed and opt for paperless options when available.
  • Use refillable ink cartridges.
  • Pack a litter-less lunch, with reusable containers.
  • Bring plates and cutlery from home to cut down on single-use plastics.
  • Use a reusable water bottle and mug for your drinks.
When in your community:
  • Use reusable shopping bags.
  • Bring reusable (e.g. metal or silicone) straws instead of plastic ones.
  • Donate clothing and household items not being used anymore.
  • Buy fresh produce instead of packaged food to cut down on packaging waste.
  • Choose green cleaning products to reduce harmful chemicals.
  • Walk or bike for short trips.
  • Don’t litter.
Even small changes can have a big impact! For more tips, visit vaughan.ca/GreenDirections. Need more inspiration? Check out Earth Day Canada’s list of at-home activities. Join the movement on social media by sharing how your family is celebrating Earth Day.
"As a green city, we are committed to placing citizens' health and well-being at the heart of our city-building efforts. We remain focused on creating sustainable neighbourhoods to enhance the exceptional quality of life we enjoy in Vaughan. The 900-acre North Maple Regional Park is larger than New York City’s Central Park and is our most ambitious park development yet. Our city is home to more than 230 kilometres of signed cycling and pedestrian routes. Through the City's tree replacement program, we have planted more than 30,000 trees. Vaughan's city-wide LED Streetlight Retrofit Program is now complete. Council also declared a climate change emergency in principle to protect our community from the disastrous effects of climate change. The actions we take today will shape our city for generations to come. By working together to raise awareness for climate change, promote environmental stewardship and foster a more sustainable community, we can continue to make a positive and lasting difference in Vaughan and beyond."
-Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua
  • Since 1970, communities have come together on a global scale to demonstrate support and advocate for environmental causes on Earth Day.
  • The City of Vaughan’s commitment to environmental stewardship is a Council-approved priority and outlined in the 2018-2022 Term of Council Service Excellence Strategic Plan.
  • Green Directions Vaughan is the City’s environmental sustainability plan. This plan includes new community sustainability objectives and 70 different actions the City will take to change how the organization designs, plans and executes programs.
  • To keep Vaughan clean, City crews have embarked on their annual spring cleanup efforts to clear garbage and debris off public property across the city, including litter pickup in parks and boulevards and street sweeping.
  • Everyone has a role to play to ensure a clean, green future for generations to come. The best place to start is by making more sustainable choices in everyday life at home, at work or even when shopping.
  • City of Vaughan’s Environmental Sustainability webpage
  • City of Vaughan’s pollinator projects webpage
  • City of Vaughan’s Green Directions Vaughan webpage
  • City of Vaughan’s 2018-2022 Term of Council Service Excellence Strategic Plan webpage
  • Earth Day Canada’s webpage