Vaughan approves three priority task forces

City of Vaughan
Mayor Bevilacqua delivers on commitment to further address key city-building priorities
At a Council meeting yesterday, Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua and Members of Council approved three task forces to address a range of important policy areas and develop recommendations that continue to elevate the city as a destination of choice.
The 2018-2022 Term of Council Priority Task Forces will be chaired by the following Members of Council:
  • Transportation and Infrastructure Task Force: Chair, Ward 3 Councillor Rosanna DeFrancesca and Vice-Chair, Regional Councillor Gino Rosati
  • Governance Task Force: Chair, Ward 2 Councillor Tony Carella and Vice-Chair, Ward 5 Councillor Alan Shefman
  • Smart City Task Force: Chair, Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua and Vice-Chair, Ward 4 Councillor Sandra Yeung Racco
The task forces will now move forward, following a commitment made by Mayor Bevilacqua during his inaugural address for the 2018-2022 Term of Council. These task forces will further support an ongoing commitment to Service Excellence by Members of Council and City staff.
The task forces will draw on the experience of passionate and engaged representatives with wide-ranging expertise in order to create recommendations that contribute to Vaughan’s ongoing success. Reliable transportation and infrastructure, good governance and a Smart City approach are fundamental to these efforts.
The City will be seeking Vaughan citizens and stakeholders to share their expertise and make a difference in the community by advising Members of Council on key issues related to these new task forces. Task force application packages will be posted at in the near future.
Building off the success of the Mayor’s Smart City Advisory Task Force, Vaughan recently became the first Canadian municipality to join US Ignite, a non-profit organization that promotes international leadership to develop new applications and to foster an environment for local governments – and technology partners – to work together to improve the lives of citizens through cutting-edge solutions. Councillor Sandra Yeung Racco also represented the City at the 2019 Smart City Summit and Expo in Taipei, Taiwan to extend Vaughan’s global presence as a Smart City leader.
Good governance was also identified as a key strategic priority during the 2018-2022 Term of Council. It reinforces the City’s mission, vision and values of how, as a municipal leader, Vaughan will go above and beyond to ensure transparency, accountability and financial stewardship.
The Transportation and Infrastructure Task Force is based on an understanding that these two issues are critical to the efficient and reliable mobility of citizens as well as the continued growth of Vaughan’s dynamic and thriving economy.
The Mayor’s task forces will provide Council with evidence-informed and action-oriented recommendations that will further Council’s ongoing commitment to safeguard and elevate the quality of life for all citizens.
“Vaughan’s renaissance continues to draw inspiration from its diverse population, comprised of talented and compassionate citizens. With the approval of these task forces, we mark an important milestone in our ongoing commitment to elevate our city to new heights through collaboration and innovation. I look forward to joining Members of Council and our valued stakeholders as we generate ideas and develop solutions in areas of vital importance to our community. I have also heard loud and clear through the City’s Citizen Satisfaction Survey, and directly from our community, that transportation is one of the most pressing challenges we face. I remain committed to working with all levels of government to explore new and creative ways to bring relief to commuters, foster a Smart City approach and pursue Service Excellence in governance. We face increasingly complex issues that require real-world solutions. This is what is expected of us as elected representatives, and, through the work of these task forces, we will continue building a city in which Vaughan residents lead happy, fulfilling and engaged lives.”
- Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua
  • Mayor Bevilacqua committed to the creation of task forces during this Term of Council to address key policy and city-building issues.
  • The mandate of each task force will be established by a terms of reference and each task force will include a Member of Council as Chair and as Vice-Chair.
  • The task forces will conduct their work over a maximum of an 18-month duration and provide a full report of findings and recommendations to a future committee at the completion of the task force’s mandate.
  • Task force representation will come from a cross-section of citizens, businesses, stakeholders and sector/industry experts.
  • Each task force will be provided with two senior staff in addition to one member of the Office of the City Clerk and one member of Corporate and Strategic Communications to support the work of the task force.
  • Each Chair will work with staff to complete detailed project plans and deliverables once the task forces are established.
  • Three of the task forces will begin their mandates in September 2019. These task forces include Transportation and Infrastructure, Smart City and Governance.
  • Vaughan’s Older Adult Task Force is currently underway.