Vaughan Council reaffirms commitment to defend human rights

City of Vaughan
Mayor Bevilacqua's motion opposes Quebec's discriminatory Bill 21    


At the Jan. 18 Committee of the Whole (1) meeting, Vaughan Council voted in support of Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua's motion to oppose the Province of Quebec's Bill 21 and support, in principle, the current legal challenge by the National Council of Canadian Muslims, the World Sikh Organization and the Canadian Civil Liberties Association against the discrimination over religious expression in Quebec's Bill 21. The motion was introduced by Mayor Bevilacqua, seconded by Regional Councillor Gino Rosati and ratified at today’s meeting of Council.

In June 2019, the Province of Quebec legislated Bill 21, "An Act Respecting the Laicity of the State," which forbids public servants from wearing religious symbols in the workplace, including such items as turbans, kippahs, hijabs and visible crucifixes. It is a divisive law that undermines equality in the name of secularism and instead contributes to further discrimination and intolerance.

The City of Vaughan is a dynamic and diverse municipality that maintains a deep appreciation for the many cultures, creeds and faiths that thrive here. The City continues to foster a community that is inclusive and respectful where all citizens, businesses, employees and visitors are valued. As such, the City affirms that the expression of faith is a fundamental right as provided in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. In January 2020, the City reaffirmed this commitment by signing the Vaughan Inclusion Charter in support of the Inclusion Charter for York Region, which promotes human rights, accessibility, equality and a sense of belonging for everybody in the community.

In November 2020, Mayor Bevilacqua called a Special Committee of the Whole meeting to address issues of racism and to further advance and raise awareness about the City's diversity, inclusion and anti-racism efforts. In January 2021, the City welcomed its first-ever Diversity and Inclusion Officer with a mandate to influence the corporation's activities, provide strategic guidance and advise on policies, processes and procedures related to diversity and inclusion. The ideas exchanged during the November Special Committee of the Whole meeting continue to inform the mandate of the City's Diversity and Inclusion Task Force and the work undertaken by Vaughan's Diversity and Inclusion Officer.


“As a committed public servant with more than three decades in elected office, I remain guided by values and principles that are rooted in my belief that all people have the right to live, worship and love without facing persecution, intolerance or discrimination. Quebec's controversial Bill 21 is a divisive and discriminatory law that undermines this belief. I want to thank my Council colleagues for supporting my motion and sending a clear message to our residents who wear turbans, hijabs, kippahs, crucifixes or any other religious symbols that we stand in solidarity with them. We will not practice the politics of exclusion but rather promote and uphold the politics of inclusion. We must not be silent in the face of injustice – we must speak out against it. Vaughan is an inclusive and diverse city with an appreciation for the many cultures, creeds and faiths that thrive here. Nearly half of our population was born abroad, and our citizens speak 105 different languages. People from around the world have chosen our city to build a better, more promising life for their families, and we will continue to do everything to foster a more tolerant and inclusive society.”

-        Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua


  • Mayor Bevilacqua’s Member’s Resolution: City of Vaughan opposition to Quebec’s Bill 21
  • Jan. 21, 2022 Mayor's statement: Vaughan is committed to combatting antisemitism and all forms of racism
  • Jan. 8, 2021 Mayor's statement: Vaughan welcomes Zincia Francis as Diversity and Inclusion Officer
  • Nov. 25, 2020 Mayor's statement: Working together to combat racism
  • Jan. 28, 2020 news release: City reaffirms commitment to foster an inclusive community
  • Sept. 24, 2019 staff report: 2019 Vaughan Chamber of Commerce Business Mission to Israel
  • City of Vaughan's Accessibility and Diversity webpage
  • City of Vaughan's 2018-2022 Term of Council Service Excellence Strategic Plan webpage 

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