Vaughan to Seek Disaster Relief for December Ice Storm Costs of $21 Million

Jan. 15, 2014
The City of Vaughan passed a resolution yesterday at a special Council meeting to request funding from the province for disaster relief relating to the December ice storm. The City estimates the ice storm will cost $21 million.
The City is asking the province to declare Vaughan a disaster area so the City can apply for funding under the Ontario Disaster Relief Assistance Program (ODRAP). 
“Given the substantial damage to municipal property and infrastructure, the City of Vaughan is asking the province for assistance,” said Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua. “The ice storm and its after effects will be felt for some time to come in our community and we require help from the province to cover the costs of the damage. Tens of thousands of trees were damaged and City staff have been working non-stop since the storm hit on December 22, clearing the fallen trees and branches to ensure that our community is safe for everyone.”
Tree damage is consistent across the City with 18,900 damaged trees requiring maintenance and approximately 13,600 trees requiring replacement. Crews continue cleanup efforts to remove fallen tree debris from roadsides, parks and other public areas. The cleanup operations will continue throughout January and February.
“I am proud of the way our community came together during this challenging time,” said Mayor Bevilacqua. “The dedication of everyone involved is inspiring and shows a high level of commitment to getting the job done. There is still a lot of work to do and our goal is to continue to provide the same level of parks, trails and outdoor spaces our residents enjoy.”
ODRAP is an assistance program designed to help municipalities after a natural disaster. The resolution also states that if the province does not declare a disaster area in Vaughan, then it should instead consider providing funding related to the severe ice storm costs from sources other than ODRAP.