When does the City clear windrows?

City of Vaughan
This free service removes snow from the entrance of your driveway!

Did you know the City of Vaughan was one of the first municipalities in the Greater Toronto Area to offer windrow-clearing services to its residents? The City strives to provide the highest levels of snow-removal services in the GTA to ensure residents and visitors can travel safely despite the weather. 

What is windrow clearing?
Windrow machines are designed to clear a portion of the driveway entrance so a car can drive through. However, due to the limited size and reach of the windrow clearing units, they can only clear a portion of the driveway entrance – residual amounts may be left behind. 

Watch this video to see a City windrow-clearing machine in action. 

How long does it take the City to clear windrows?
The City’s windrow-clearing service is completed up to four hours after a snowplow has passed. However, certain factors can delay these operations, such as heavy snowfalls, cars parked on the street or too close to the curb. 

Please note the City’s windrow service does not clear windrows left by sidewalk plows and does not clear hardened snow, ice or the entire driveway. It is your responsibility to clear the small windrow across a driveway created by sidewalk plows. 

Did you know you can play a role in helping Vaughan’s winter operations run smoothly?

  • Keep cars off the street while snowplows are out. On-street parking is not permitted between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. in Vaughan or at any time when winter operations are in progress, as per the City’s Parking By-law 064-2019 (PDF).
  • Clear snow and ice from sidewalks bordering your property within 24 hours after snowfall has ended to help ensure roads and sidewalks remain safe, as stated in the City’s Snow Clearing By-law 227-2022 (PDF).
  • Remove anything that may interfere with or be hazardous to plow crews. This includes landscaping features, such as fencing, basketball nets, decorative stones, pots, bird baths, furniture and more, as stated in the City’s Encroachment By-law 034-2017 (PDF).
  • Be mindful of where snow is placed. It is illegal to shovel snow or ice onto the road under both the Ontario Highway Traffic Act and the City’s Dumping By-law 103-2020 (PDF).
  • Clean snow off all surfaces of your vehicle before driving and keep a safe distance away from snowplows and salting equipment. 
  • Keep fire hydrants clear and accessible (one metre all around). Blocked, concealed or difficult-to-access fire hydrants can slow down emergency fire response.
  • Set waste bins back from the curb approximately one metre on the right-hand side of the driveway (when facing the home). They should never be placed on top of or behind snowbanks. This allows the plow to remove the windrow without disturbing the waste.

    Stay informed!
    For more information on the City’s winter operations, visit vaughan.ca/snow. For additional details and to receive the latest information on Vaughan’s winter operations: