Relief from the By-law is requested to permit a Registered Health Professional Office (solely performing administrative functions) located within Units 22 and 23.
Relief from the By-law is requested to permit a Registered Health Professional Office (solely performing administrative functions) located within Units 22 and 23.
Consent is being requested to sever a parcel of land for residential purposes, being Part 1 on Plan 65R-33024, approximately 161.00 square metres, as a lot addition, to be merged on title with the abutting lands to the west (municipally known as 5647 Kirby Road), together with a partial discharge of
mortgage over the severed lands.
The retained parcel of land is approximately 13,543.00 square metres and has frontage onto Kirby Road. The existing dwelling on the retained lands is to remain.
Relief from the by-law is being requested to permit the expansion of an existing Daycare into Unit 19.
Note: The daycare currently operates in Units 16, 17 & 18 and the daycare use is permitted in Unit 20A as per Minor Variance approval A198/18.
Relief from the By-law is being requested to permit the construction of three (3) proposed additions to the existing church and to permit the reconfiguration of the existing driveway fronting onto Bainbridge
Avenue to facilitate Site Plan Application DA.19.045.
Three additions are comprised of a new storage room, expansion of rear entrance with washroom facilities and expansion to narthex and new bell tower.
Relief from the bylaw is being requested to permit the construction of a proposed inground swimming pool to be located at the rear of the existing dwelling and a pool equipment pad to be located in the interior side yard (north).
Relief from the by-law is being requested to permit reduced lot frontage on the retained land to facilitate Consent Application B034/19.
Relief from the by-law is being requested to permit increased maximum floor space index (FSI).
Relief from the by-law is being requested to permit the construction of a proposed accessory structure (cabana) to be located in the rear yard.
Relief from the by-law is being requested to permit the construction of a proposed deck to be located at the rear of the proposed dwelling.
Relief from the By-law is being requested to permit the construction of a proposed single family dwelling.