Relief from By-law 1-88, as amended, is being requested to permit the construction of a proposed single family dwelling.
Relief from By-law 1-88, as amended, is being requested to permit the construction of a proposed single family dwelling.
Relief from By-law 1-88, as amended, is being requested to permit the existing stairs and entrance located in the easterly side yard.
Relief from By-law 1-88, as amended, is being requested to permit the construction of a proposed cabana and shed and to permit the existing swimming pool.
Relief from By-law 1-88, as amended, is being requested to permit the construction of a proposed single family dwelling.
Relief from By-law 1-88, as amended, is being requested to permit the construction of a proposed single family dwelling.
Relief from By-law 1-88, as amended, is being requested to permit the construction of a proposed sunroom and deck. The existing deck is to be demolished.
Relief from By-law 1-88, as amended, is being requested to permit the construction of a proposed second floor addition above the existing garage.
Consent is being requested to sever a parcel of land for residential purposes approximately 468.16 m2 and to retain a parcel of land approximately 468.16 m2 square metres. Both the severed and retained land will have frontage also on Fran Drive and the existing single family dwelling is to be demolished.
Consent is being requested to sever a parcel of land for residential purposes, approximately 228.16 square metres, as a lot addition, to be merged on title with the abutting lands to the west, municipally known as 46 Fran Drive. The retained lands are approximately 474.14 m2 square metres.
The retained lands will maintain frontage on Fran Drive and the existing single family dwelling on the retained lands will be demolished.
Relief from By-law 1-88, as amended, is being requested to permit the construction of a five (5) proposed townhouse units (Units 1-5) on Parts 1-10 (as shown on the draft reference plan submitted). Parts 1-10 are located within draft plan of subdivision 19T-03V25, Block 77. Relief is required to facilitate draft plan of subdivision 19T-03V25 and Site Plan Application DA.18.084.