Section 37 - Policies and Implementation Guidelines

Study Description


The Planning Act permits a municipality, through a zoning by-law, to approve increases in height and/or density beyond what the Official Plan/Zoning by-law would otherwise permit, in return for facilities, services or matters (community benefits) as are set out in the by-law.


The Official Plan must first contain provisions authorizing the use of Section 37, and that community benefits may be secured in an agreement that may be registered on title.


Learn more about each level of government…

including which one is responsible for different roads

Are you familiar with the different levels of government? Do you know how they work together to deliver your programs and services? The City of Vaughan operates within a two-tier municipal structure, which means there are two levels of government providing services to the community – a local municipality (the City) and a regional municipality (York Region). 

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