Vaughan has a tissue issue!

Tissues do not go in the blue box – learn what items can and can’t be recycled


Did you know one of the top contaminants found in Vaughan’s blue boxes is tissues? These actually belong in the green bin! To help you understand what waste items go where, the City of Vaughan is providing a quick guide on what is and isn’t recyclable.

Here are common household items that can’t go in the blue box and where they belong instead:

Celebrating Vaughan Council’s Inauguration

Mayor Steven Del Duca and Members of Council were sworn into office on Nov. 15 at a special ceremony

This evening, Vaughan Mayor Steven Del Duca and Members of Council were surrounded by family and friends as they were sworn into office during the City of Vaughan’s inaugural meeting of the 2022-2026 Term of Council. The ceremony at Vaughan City Hall was presided over by City Clerk Todd Coles. 

Protect our space, leave no trace

Keeping Vaughan safe, clean and beautiful is a community effort

Did you know the City of Vaughan manages more than 700 hectares (over 1,700 acres) of parks and open space throughout the city? That’s a lot of beautiful greenery for residents to enjoy – but only when kept litter-free! You can make a big difference in helping to ensure these spaces remain safe, clean and beautiful.  

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