Nominations are open for the Volunteer Recognition Awards!

Is there someone you know who made a positive impact in the community in 2023? Now’s your chance to shine a light on their efforts by nominating them for the City of Vaughan’s Volunteer Recognition Awards! 


The City is calling on Vaughan-based non-profit organizations and community groups to put forward one outstanding volunteer whose passion and actions have made a distinct positive impact on the community. 



We want to hear your feedback on road safety in the Martin Grove Road area

Do you live, work or play in the Martin Grove Road area (south of Highway 27 and north of Highway 7)? Do you have ideas to address road safety in this community? If so, we want to hear from you!


The City of Vaughan is undertaking a series of studies designed to respond to growing transportation demands and the need to address road safety and sustainable modes of travel, known as the Corridor Reviews. A corridor refers to a linear road and its associated land uses.



Consent is being requested to sever a parcel of land for residential purposes approximately 19,800 square metres. The retained parcel is approximately 26,700 metres. The temporary sales office on the retained lands is to remain.
**Variances are not required for minimum lot area and frontage for both the severed and retained lands as Exception 14.924 & Exception 9(1287) allows for the subject lands to be reviewed as a single lot for zoning conformity.


Minor Variance Application A283/22 was adjourned by the Committee of Adjustment to sine die to permit time for the applicant to address Development Planning comments.


Minor Variance Application A027/23 was adjourned by the Committee of Adjustment to July 13, 2023 to permit time for the applicant to submit revised plans.

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