Importance of Mills

Mills used water power and later steam power to operate, making it necessary for them to be situated near river systems. For this reason, small communities were established around river systems. In Vaughan, mills became the centre for development and growth. Similarly, in times of economic difficulty, they were the first to be affected and the end of a mill could mean the end of a community.




Origins and early history

Woodbridge had its origins with the British Crown granting the west half of Lots 6 and 7 and Concession 7 of Vaughan Township to Jacob Philips and Hugh Cameron in 1802. Woodbridge proper, however, did not begin to take the form of a settlement or village until the arrival of Rowland Burr in 1837.



Later, Dr. Rupert, who lived in Maple, was such a respected member of the community that the town’s name was changed to Rupertsville. The town’s present name is said to originate from the numerous maple trees once found in the village along Keele Street.




Community growth

The first settlers in Maple during the latter part of the 18th century were German Lutherans from Pennsylvania. By 1825, British immigrants began joining them.


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