Mayor Bevilacqua urges Vaughan citizens not to let their guard down
The following statement
was issued by Vaughan Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua to address the rising COVID-19
case counts and hospitalizations across York Region:
The following statement
was issued by Vaughan Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua to address the rising COVID-19
case counts and hospitalizations across York Region:
It’s almost time to say “thanks” and eat delicious food
with loved ones this holiday weekend. But do you know what’s open and closed in
Vaughan on Thanksgiving? The City of Vaughan is reminding everyone of the
following facility closures and modified hours in effect on Monday, Oct. 11.
Municipal facilities
Mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, turkey and apple pie – these are some of the foods you may be looking forward to enjoying on Thanksgiving. But do you know where to dispose of everyday cooking and dining items, such as aluminum trays, paper plates and leftover food? The City of Vaughan is providing helpful tips for citizens on how to sort these items correctly to help reduce what’s sent to the landfill and make collection days run smoothly.
Fall is here, and that means leaves scattered everywhere! Don’t worry – fall also means weekly leaf and yard waste collection is coming back soon. Starting Tuesday, Oct. 19, these materials will be collected every week until the week of Tuesday, Dec. 7.
The City of Vaughan
recognizes the importance of protecting citizens from the global COVID-19
pandemic while also continuing to move the city forward. Supporting this
direction, electronic participation for Committee of the Whole, Council and
task force meetings will continue this month.
Have a question
about a service in Vaughan? Want to report an issue? Looking for an update on
the City’s COVID-19 response efforts? Access Vaughan is standing by with
Citizen Service Representatives ready to respond to all citizen inquiries.
Reach the City’s contact centre by phone at 905-832-2281 (toll-free:
1-844-832-2112) or email at