Developing Vaughan’s downtown

VMC Sub-Committee

VMC Sub-Committee reviews city-building initiatives and programs

More than a decade into its evolution, the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre (VMC) is the city’s emerging downtown and central business district. It continues to transform with key city-building projects in the works, public engagement opportunities underway and new community amenities opening for use.


The City of Vaughan is committed to developing the downtown as a complete community with a mix of uses that are transit supportive and pedestrian friendly. It is envisioned to be the financial, innovation and cultural centre of Vaughan, with a vibrant sense of place, a high-quality public realm and environmentally sustainable design practices.


To help guide growth and bring the vision to life, the City’s VMC Sub-Committee met earlier this week. The following was discussed:



Here is an update on development activity in the VMC as of April 2023:

  • The VMC Secondary Plan established a population target of 25,000 residents and 11,500 jobs by 2031.
  • The VMC is currently home to 7,722 residents living in 3,900 completed units.
  • Construction is underway to build 5,649 new residential units for 11,185 future residents.
  • An additional 10,666 residential units, enough to house 21,119 future residents, are approved by Council.
  • A total of 18,933 residential units, accounting for 37,487 potential residents, are currently proposed through active development applications subject to Council approval.
  • The realization of developments that are occupied, under construction, or approved represents more than 40,000 residents in over 20,000 units, greatly exceeding the population target established for the 2031 planning horizon.
  • Approximately 840,000 square feet of new office space has been built or approved, representing 55 per cent of the total office space target for 2031.
  • Two additional development applications propose a further 820,000 square feet of office space, bringing total office space to 110 per cent of the 2031 office target if approved.
  • In 2022, about 431,000 square feet of retail space was occupied, under construction or approved by Council, representing 56 per cent of the 2031 retail target.
  • To date, about 700,000 square feet of retail space is occupied, under construction, approved by Council, or subject to Council approval, representing 92% of the 2031 retail target.
  • The projected growth in the VMC is unprecedented. It will require careful recalibration of the plan to maintain the levels of service and social infrastructure required to achieve the vision for a complete and balanced community.


Learn more in the VMC Sub-Committee Report: VMC Development Update April 2023 (PDF).



Construction progresses in the VMC. The City is focused on advancing critical infrastructure in each of the VMC’s four quadrants to keep pace with development and support the emerging community. Updates are as follows:

  • Construction of several critical infrastructure projects, including roads and parks, are underway or complete.
  • The development of Vaughan’s first Urban Park continues to advance.
  • The final design of the Edgeley Pond and Park is complete.
  • The preliminary design for the Black Creek Renewal project is in the works.
  • The On-Street Pay and Display Parking Pilot has been implemented.
  • Public art is advancing creative placemaking in the VMC.


Learn more in the VMC Sub-Committee Report: VMC Capital Projects and Implementation Plan (PDF).



Through a variety of plans and studies, efforts are underway to foster a complete community in the VMC – one that balances current population densities with amenities such as community centres, parks and open spaces. Updates are as follows:

  • The VMC Secondary Plan Update is in Phase Three, developing a land use framework for the downtown core.
  • Signage prototypes will be installed as part of the VMC Parks and Wayfinding Master Plan project. The study has also developed a master plan, cost estimate and implementation strategy outlining priorities for parkland delivery. A final report is expected for fall 2023.
  • The VMC Functional Servicing Strategy Update is advancing, with a final draft expected later this year. This will be completed alongside the city-wide Integrated Urban Water Master Plan Study.
  • The VMC Transportation Master Plan Update is progressing, with results and recommendations to be shared by the end of 2023.


Learn more in the VMC Sub-Committee Report: VMC Studies Update April 2023 (PDF).


View the April 11, 2023 VMC Sub-Committee meeting agenda for more information.


All committee meetings held are open to the public in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001 and streamed live at Meetings are posted within the Council and Committee meeting calendar, available at


The VMC Sub-Committee is comprised of Members of Vaughan Council and City staff – including the City Manager, the Deputy City Manager of Planning and Growth Management and the VMC program team. The committee’s mandate – which is outlined in the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre Sub-Committee Terms of Reference (PDF) – will run throughout the 2022 to 2026 Term of Council.


To learn more about the VMC Sub-Committee, visit


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