Have your say on Vaughan’s recreation user fees!

Have your say on Vaughan’s recreation user fees!

If you enjoy working out at a City of Vaughan fitness centre, have registered for or dropped into one of our recreation programs, or have rented a community centre activity room for a birthday party, we want to hear from you! The City is reviewing its Recreation User Fee Policy, which guides the management of recreation program fees, membership fees and rental fees. Participate in an online survey or join an upcoming in-person workshop to provide your feedback.


What is the User Fee Policy?

The Recreation Services User Fee Policy, established in 2006, ensures the City can provide quality recreational services while maintaining financial sustainability and accessibility for all residents. The policy is reviewed and updated every five years to ensure fees continue to remain fair, while also considering the city's growth and the community’s needs.


Recreation user fees are collected from residents who use the City's recreational facilities, such as community centres, sports fields, parks and courts, or those who participate in City-led programs. These fees help support program delivery, ensuring they continue to be made available for everyone to enjoy.


Here’s how you can have a say!



Your feedback will help the City ensure the diverse needs and perspectives of residents, users and other community members are considered as part of this review.

To learn more about Recreation Services and stay informed about new programs and special promotions, sign up for the Recreation Services eNewsletter and follow the official channels on Facebook and Instagram.


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