Learn how we keep fire hydrants in top shape

a vaughan fire hydrant

Vaughan has more than 10,000 fire hydrants, which are critical during a fire emergency. But did you know they are also an integral part of Vaughan’s drinking water system? For both purposes, hydrants need to be kept in top shape. That’s why the City of Vaughan performs annual preventative maintenance, which includes inspections, flushing, leak testing, cap lubrication, painting and part replacements, where required.


So far this year, City crews have inspected more than 4,800 hydrants and painted more than 1,600 hydrants. If a hydrant needs a repair, our Water Operations staff will notify Vaughan Fire and Rescue Service of the hydrant that’s temporarily out of service.


This ongoing maintenance work ensures the long-term sustainability of our infrastructure and our commitment to superior service delivery.


Check the fire hydrant nearest you – is it clear and accessible?

In an emergency, every second matters. Fire hydrants that are blocked, concealed or difficult-to-access can delay emergency fire response.


As outlined in the City’s Water By-Law 106-2022 (PDF), residents who have a fire hydrant on their property or City property adjacent to theirs are responsible for ensuring the hydrant is always visible and unobstructed.


Ensure leaves and other yard waste, debris and any other items are not blocking the area surrounding a fire hydrant, and an accessible path from the street to the hydrant is always maintained.


To learn more about the City’s water operations, visit vaughan.ca/water.  


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