Help keep our parks clean!

As seasonal park amenities open for your enjoyment, the City of Vaughan is reminding you that keeping these spaces safe and clean is a community effort. Every ‘litter’ bit helps; no action to reduce litter is too small!


Littering has a negative impact on the quality of life for everyone. It is harmful to the environment, dangerous for pets and wildlife as they may eat or be injured by discarded items, unpleasant to look at, and costs taxpayer dollars to clean up.


From the Archives

The City of Vaughan’s archives house more than 600 collections dating from the early 1700s to the present day. Within these files are the stories of how Vaughan evolved from the traditional territories of the First Peoples of Turtle Island to the bustling city it has become. 


Let’s look back at our history and share the stories of the people, places and moments that helped shape the city we know today. This month’s feature is on the Vellore Junior Farmers’ Short Course.


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