
Relief from the Zoning By-law is being requested to permit reduced lot frontage on the retained land to facilitate Consent Application B001/23. Relief is also being requested to permit increased maximum building height to accommodate a proposed single-family dwelling on the retained land.


Relief from the Zoning By-law is being requested to permit reduced lot frontage on the severed land to facilitate Consent Application B001/23. Relief is also being requested to permit increased maximum building height to accommodate a proposed single-family dwelling on the severed land.


Relief from the Zoning By-law is being requested to permit an addition to the existing dwelling, rear yard landscaping and increased maximum driveway width.


Consent is being requested for an easement over Parts 2, 3 & 4 (Note: Parts 3 & 4 will be conveyed to the City in the future) on the revised plan (servient land) to permit access to maintain and repair a retaining wall located on the subject land, in favour of the abutting lands to the south municipally known as 784 Centre Street (dominant land).

The proposed easement will facilitate development associated with related Site Plan Application DA.21.041.


 Relief from the Zoning By-law is being requested to facilitate the construction of Copper Creek Pumping Station. Relief is also being requested to recognize the future lot size of the pumping station lands to facilitate conveyance to the City as part of the related subdivision approval process. 


 Relief from the Zoning By-law is being requested to permit to permit reduced parking/loading space requirements to facilitate the construction of a proposed self-storage facility (with outdoor waste storage) and a retaining wall. Relief is also being requested to facilitate related Site Plan Application DA.18.078. 


Relief from the Zoning By-law is being requested to permit the relocation of the proposed underground parking structure to an above-ground integrated parking structure within the building.  

The parking structure is required to support a mixed-use development consisting of a 5-storey building associated with Site Plan Application DA.23.001. 


Relief from the Zoning By-law is being requested to permit a proposed pool and location of ground mounted pool equipment. 

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