
Relief from By-law 1-88, as amended, is being requested to permit the construction of a proposed single family dwelling and accessory structure (cabana). The cabana is to be located in the rear yard. Relief is also being requested to facilitate Site Plan Application DA.19.076.


Relief is being requested to permit the expansion of a legal nonconforming use to allow for the construction of an addition to the front and rear of the existing dwelling which is located within the OS1 Zone. Relief is also being requested to permit the existing uncovered, unexcavated and unenclosed wood deck and the replacement of an existing wood shed located at the rear of the property.


Relief from By-law 1-88, as amended, is being requested to permit a proposed pool to be located in the front yard (irregular lot).


Relief from By-law 1-88, as amended, is being requested to permit the construction of a proposed two storey addition to the existing single family dwelling. The addition will consist of a garage on the ground floor with a bedroom on second floor. Relief is also being requested to permit the existing accessory structures onsite (cabana & shed).


Relief from By-law 1-88, as amended, is being requested to permit the existing deck located in rear yard and the existing front yard landscaping.


Relief from By-law 1-88, as amended, is being requested to permit the construction of a proposed single family dwelling with attached garage.


Relief from By-law 1-88, as amended, is being requested to permit the existing deck and circular staircase located in the rear yard.

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