Think before you toss!

Learn where to dispose of plastic bottles, coffee cups and other single-use to-go items


If you’re grabbing a coffee to go or bringing a plastic water bottle on your neighbourhood walk, remember to think before you toss. Single-use items like those often end up as litter in our parks, trails, ponds and rivers, which is harmful to the environment and wildlife.


Be sure to safely dispose of these items to reduce litter and make a positive difference for our community and the planet. Here’s what goes where:

Vaughan is ‘spring cleaning’

Seasonal maintenance operations are underway with litter collection, street sweeping, pothole repairs and more!

With the arrival of warmer weather, the City of Vaughan’s dedicated Public Works crews have begun their annual spring maintenance and cleanup efforts around the community. They are working hard to keep Vaughan’s public spaces beautiful for your enjoyment this spring and summer.


Mother's Day Tea Party

Celebrate Mother's Day in Style

Treat your loved one to high tea at Vaughan Studios & Event Space


Have you made plans yet for your mom, wife, grandmother, aunt or that special person in your life for Mother’s Day? Get ready to fasten your fascinators and treat them to high tea in Vaughan’s downtown core! Tickets are on sale for a stylish high tea at Vaughan Studios & Event Space (200 Apple Mill Rd., third floor) on Sunday, May 14 from 10 a.m. to noon.


Property taxes are due by April 27

Explore five different ways you can pay

The deadline for the second instalment of the City of Vaughan’s 2023 interim property taxes is Thursday, April 27 – do you know all the payment options available to you? There are many easy and convenient ways to pay your bill without having to step foot in Vaughan City Hall.


Here are the payment options available:

Contain it; don’t drain it!

Protect your pipes by putting fats, oils and grease in the green bin


While you may be cooking up a storm this holiday weekend, keep in mind that fats, oils and grease, such as butter, olive oil, gravy and meat fat, clog pipes. That’s why you should never pour these substances down the drain or toilet. They belong in the green bin!


It’s coyote pup season

Keep a safe distance from wild animals and their dens or nests


It’s pup season, which means you may see more young coyotes in the community. Although you may be tempted to approach them out of curiosity or to take a picture, the City of Vaughan is reminding everyone to keep a safe distance from urban wildlife and their habitats.  


Going near dens is not safe for you or the animals living in them. It is illegal to disturb or cause distress to wildlife and is subject to a $900 fine.

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