
Consent is being requested to establish an easement, in favour of the lands to the west legally described as Part Lot 11 Concession 10 Vaughan as in R659263, Except Part 4, PL 65R27879 & Part 5, Plan 65R27881 (servient land); to establish an easement for access and maintenance purposes (mutual driveway & maintenance of concrete toe wall along western property line).  

The easement for access purposes, to facilitate mutual driveway, over the dominant land is shown as Part 2 on the draft plan submitted with the application.   


Consent is being requested to permit a lease agreement in excess of 21 years to be registered on title for lands described as 'Building G' on the plans submitted with the application. The site is municipally known as 9801 Jane Street and currently supports an existing restaurant and drive-thru. 


Relief from the Zoning By-law is being requested to permit reduced lot area and lot frontage on the retained land subject to Consent Application B020/22. Relief is also being requested to permit an addition to the existing heritage house on the retained land, which includes a proposed deck and increased maximum driveway width.  


Relief from the Zoning By-law is being requested to permit a cabana, retaining wall and reduced rear yard landscaping requirements. 


Relief from the Zoning By-law is being requested to permit micromanufacturing uses on the subject land (in the form of a distillery) and to facilitate related Site Plan Application DA.22.063. 


Relief from the Zoning By-law is being requested to permit a reduction in parking requirements to accommodate the construction of a proposed industrial warehouse building. Relief is also being requested to facilitate Site Development Application DA.21.028. 


Relief from the Zoning By-law is being requested to permit the development of a two-storey industrial/office building and to facilitate related Site Plan Application DA.22.078. 


Relief from the Zoning By-law is being requested to permit the construction of a second and third floor addition to the existing office building, indicated as Building A on the plans submitted.  

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