Relief from the Zoning By-law is being requested to permit the
construction of a proposed pavilion.
Relief from the Zoning By-law is being requested to permit the
construction of a proposed pavilion.
Relief from the Zoning By-law is being requested to permit an
existing hot tub (swimming pool) and to permit increased maximum
lot coverage requirements.
Relief from the Zoning By-law is being requested to permit the
construction of a proposed dwelling and accessory structure (a
cabana to include covered sitting area, pool bathroom / change room
and backyard storage).
Do you know someone whose dedication and positive influence inspires you? Whether they’re a teacher, a business owner, a volunteer or a neighbour who works tirelessly to improve the lives of others, now is your chance to honour their contributions to our city by nominating them for the Order of Vaughan!
Minor Variance Application A049/24 was adjourned by the Committee of Adjustment to August
1, 2024 to accommodate statutory public notice.
Friday, Nov 29 | 6 to 10 pm
Complimentary Hors d’Oeuvres • Cash Bar • Free Parking & Admission to the Art Sale
Saturday, Nov 30 & Sunday, Dec 1 | 10 am to 6 pm
‘Let’s hang on’ to our hats for the next Vaughan Celebrates Concerts in the Park event. Join us on Wednesday, July 31 for The Jersey Seasons – Tribute to Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons at Sonoma Heights Community Park (100 Sunset Ridge).
Join us for FREE concerts, presented by TD and event sponsor Tim Hortons, on select Wednesdays until Aug. 7, weather permitting, from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
This year’s lineup features professional entertainment for all ages with genres like disco, pop, oldies and rock.
Consent is being requested to sever a parcel of land for employment purposes to facilitate the construction of a utility substation (Alectra).
The severed parcel of land will have frontage on Line Drive and is approximately 6,000 m2.
The retained parcel of land will have frontage onto Langstaff Road and is approximately 107,000 m2.