Infrastructure Financial Management Policy

Asset management requires financial processes to accurately value assets and give priority to asset renewal expenditure over proposals to construct new assets. Effective reporting of infrastructure financial management is achieved by the City’s asset management plan.


The service rendered by an infrastructure asset will determine if it is included in an asset management plan – if an asset requires deliberate management by the municipality for its role in service delivery, then it will be included in an asset management plan.


Level of Service Policy

Levels of service and performance measurements will be an integral part of the City’s approach to performance management, and long-term affordability. Levels of service will link corporate goals and program objectives with legislative requirements and the public’s expectations.

Levels of service will be documented in the City’s Asset Management Plans and will be written in plain language such that citizens, businesses and all end users can understand and relate to them.  

Administrative Policy

The purpose of the Asset Management Policy is to ensure that the City has comprehensive information, knowledge, and understanding about the long-term affordability and fiduciary obligations related to public infrastructure decisions to ensure a healthy environment, vibrant communities and economic vitality for current and future generations. 

This is achieved by ensuring systems and processes are in place to enable people to determine the most effective and efficient options for delivering infrastructure related services while controlling exposure to risk and loss. 

How Vaughan can help you get wedding ready!

Learn more about the duties of the Office of the City Clerk


The Office of the City Clerk has an important function at the City of Vaughan – have you ever wondered what duties they perform or services they provide? As part of a new series, the City is showcasing the vital work undertaken by this busy team. Next up: marriage licences and ceremonies. 


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