
Relief from the City's Zoning by-law is being requested to permit the construction of a proposed single family dwelling and retaining wall.  


Relief from the City's Zoning By-law is being requested to permit reduced lot area on the retained lands to facilitate Consent Application B018/21.


Relief from the City's Zoning By-law is being requested to permit reduced lot area on the retained land to facilitate Consent Application B017/21.


Relief from the City's Zoning By-law is being requested to permit a reduced landscape strip requirement. The reduction in landscape strip requirements is to apply along the southern property line abutting the existing open space (cemetery) lands, on the severed lands subject to related Consent Application B017/21.


Relief from the Zoning By-law is being requested to permit the construction of a proposed one-storey addition to the existing manufacturing facility (Delta Beverages Inc.). The addition is to be used as warehouse space. 

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