Sorting out the holiday season!

Learn what goes where before throwing away wrapping paper, food and more


Many festive celebrations are upon us this month, but don’t let the holiday cheer get in the way of properly sorting and disposing of waste materials!

Follow these reminders from the City of Vaughan on what to do with excess wrapping paper, gift bags, disposable cutlery, napkins, leftover food and more:

Wrapping paper, gift bags and ribbons

Steeles West Secondary Plan Class Environmental Assessment Study

In its ultimate built out form, the Plan is envisioned to house 10,000 - 11,000 people and provide jobs for 4,000 – 5,000 employees. There are significant public and private developments being planned for the area, including the Spadina Subway Extension to the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre, with a proposed subway station (Pioneer Village Station), bus terminal and commuter parking lot.


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