
Relief from the Zoning By-law is being requested to permit side door access and stairs located in the easterly side yard and to permit an existing shed.


Relief from the Zoning By-law is being requested to permit a proposed cabana and reduced rear yard landscaping requirements.


Relief from the Zoning By-law is being requested to permit relief from approved parking provisions as it relates to non-residential parking rates, and permit site-specific adjustments to unit count, tower floor plate sizing, and maximum residential and minimum non-residential Gross Floor Area (GFA) as proposed through Site Plan Application DA.21.031.


Relief from the Zoning By-law is being requested to permit the existing single-family dwelling, pool house (cabana) and reduced soft landscaping requirements in the rear yard.


Consent is being requested to amend the provisional consent granted on March 2, 2023.
Proposed Amendment:
Consent is being requested to establish an easement, in favour of the lands to the north municipally known as 8000 Bathurst Street, to establish an easement between the subject land and 8000 Bathurst Street, to facilitate future drainage (including overland flow/surface water runoff) access, and maintenance of a landscaping strip.


Consent is being requested to sever a parcel of land for employment / commercial purposes approximately 11,923 square metres, together with an easement for access purposes over the retained land (servient land) in favour of the severed land (dominant land). The retained land is approximately 10,230 square metres. Both the severed and retained land will have frontage onto Keele Street.


Consent is being requested to sever a parcel of land for residential purposes, approximately 585.20 square metres, while retaining a parcel of land approximately 584.80 square metres for residential purposes. Both the severed and retained land will maintain frontage onto Crestwood Road and the existing single-family dwelling is to be demolished.


Minor Variance Application A081/23 was adjourned by the Committee of Adjustment to August 3, 2023, to accommodate statutory public notice requirements. 

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