Relief from the Zoning By-law is being requested to permit a reduced number of parking spaces as well as parking space length to accommodate the construction of a new corporate headquarters for the Mircom Group of Companies.
Relief from the Zoning By-law is being requested to permit a reduced number of parking spaces as well as parking space length to accommodate the construction of a new corporate headquarters for the Mircom Group of Companies.
Consent is being requested to sever a vacant parcel of land for residential purposes. The severed parcel will be approximately 1,465.32 square metres and the retained parcel will be approximately 1,376.77 square metres. Both the severed and retained land will have frontage onto Treelawn Blvd and the existing dwelling is to be demolished.
Consent is being requested to sever a parcel of land, approximately 68,474.00 square metres to facilitate a lot addition / boundary adjustment. The severed lands are to be merged on title with the lands to the south municipally known as 11291.00 Kipling Avenue. The existing dwelling and chicken coop on the retained lands (Part 2) are to remain.
Consent is being requested to establish an easement over Parts 1 and 8 and Parts 2-7, inclusive (on the draft plan submitted with the application) for the purposes of access and maintenance in favour of the lands to the north municipally known as 8000 Bathurst Street. The easement over Parts 1 and 8 is being established for the purposes of access, maintenance and repair of drainage and overland flow/surface water runoff. The easement over Parts 2 – 7, inclusive, is being established for the purposes of access and maintenance of a landscape strip.
Consent Applications B017/22 and B018/22 were adjourned by the Committee of Adjustment to April 20, 2023 to accommodate a response from Development Engineering regarding future servicing agreement requirements.
Consent Applications B017/22 and B018/22 were adjourned by the Committee of Adjustment to April 20, 2023 to accommodate a response from Development Engineering regarding future servicing agreement requirements.
Minor Variance Application A341/22 was adjourned by the Committee of Adjustment to April 20, 2023 to permit time for Development Planning to review recommended condition (in light of request from public for additional plantings/screening).
Relief from the Zoning By-law is being requested to permit a proposed (garden) shed.
Relief from the Zoning By-law is being requested to permit a proposed balcony.
Relief from the Zoning By-law is being requested to permit the construction of a proposed single-family dwelling.