Building Vaughan
An overview of the Planning and Growth Management reports presented in March
An overview of the Planning and Growth Management reports presented in March
Do your part! Take Vaughan’s Environmental Pledge
What makes a city more sustainable? You do! Whether it’s tending to a community garden, utilizing home energy rebate programs, initiating green business practices or biking to work, making simple changes to your everyday routine can go a long way. What you do today will shape Vaughan for future generations – so how are you contributing?
‘Accelerate change’ by adding three simple water-saving practices into your life
Every time you shower, flush the toilet or wash the dishes, you can count on the City of Vaughan’s safe and reliable drinking water system to help you get the job done. On World Water Day, the City is celebrating this precious resource, and reminding everyone to do their part to help protect and conserve it!
Attend the next City-led community safety meeting on March 28
Public safety is a leading priority for the City of Vaughan, and many steps are being taken to preserve and enhance residents’ quality of life. From City-led community meetings to collaborating with other levels of government and key stakeholders, work is underway to advance this important matter.
Co-ordinated emergency exercise taking place tonight at Lebovic Campus