Community Engagement Images and Photos

The Block 18 District Park - Park Visioning Public Open House that took place in Dec. 2019 included an opportunity for children attending the session to provide input into the process and were invited to produce their own vision and dream for this new park. Here are sample ideas shared with City staff. 


Students from the nearby St. Cecilia Catholic Elementary School took on the challenge in their classroom and provided city staff with ideas for this new exciting park!

Building Vaughan

An overview of the Planning and Growth Management reports presented in February

City building doesn’t happen overnight. Well before construction begins, developments undergo a careful review by City staff, Vaughan Council, public agencies (such as the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, York Region and provincial ministries, where appropriate) … and you! Public feedback is a vital part of the planning process and there are many ways to have a say before applications are approved. 

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