Infrastructure improvements progressing on Woodbridge Avenue

Underground work – including watermain replacements and sewer upgrades – are nearing completion

The infrastructure improvements are progressing in the Woodbridge Avenue corridor project. As part of the City of Vaughan’s Woodbridge Avenue Improvements and Streetscaping Project, the focus is on beautifying the area, respecting its history and completing key underground infrastructure work. 

Weekly leaf and yard waste collection starts this week!

What you need to know for collection day and preparing your yard for winter


It’s that time of year again for weekly leaf and yard waste collection! Starting this week, the City of Vaughan will collect these materials every week until the week of Tuesday, Dec. 6.  

As a reminder, here are items that are accepted in leaf and yard waste collection:

It’s Waste Reduction Week!

Follow the City’s tips throughout the week and start waste-less habits today


The week about all things reducing, reusing and recycling is back! The City of Vaughan has proclaimed Waste Reduction Week, taking place this year from Monday, Oct. 17 to Sunday, Oct. 23. Each day of Waste Reduction Week, there is an associated theme presented through the lens of its contribution to advancing a circular economy:

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