Since 2010, Vaughan has received more than $119 million for critical infrastructure

Canada Community-Building Fund advances city-building priorities


As the City of Vaughan continues to prosper, thrive and grow, new demands are placed on local infrastructure, including roads, sidewalks and buildings. The federal Canada Community-Building Fund (CCBF) helps municipalities address the budgets to maintain, revitalize, and build new infrastructure essential to providing citizens' exceptional quality of life and creating the right environment for investment, job creation and economic prosperity.

Mayor Bevilacqua: Vaughan receives prestigious budgeting award for 13th consecutive year

City presented with the 2021 Distinguished Budget Presentation Award from the Government Finance Officers Association

The following statement was issued by Vaughan Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua after a special presentation during the Dec. 1 Special Committee of the Whole (Budget) meeting:

Preserving the Maple Heritage Conservation District

Attend a virtual Public Information Session on Dec. 15 to join the conversation  
The City is committed to preserving the history and integrity of Vaughan’s communities, including the Maple Heritage Conservation District. The area’s unique culture, design, streetscapes, landscapes and architecture are an important part of what makes Vaughan a dynamic and attractive place to live, work, play and retire.
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