City moves up leaf and yard waste schedule

Collection to begin April 21 on scheduled garbage weeks
With more people staying home and practising physical distancing as a result of COVID-19, the City of Vaughan is reinstating leaf and yard waste collection in response to community needs.
Pick up will begin the week of April 21 collected every second week on the same day as regularly scheduled garbage pick-ups.

PSA: Residents urged to connect virtually this holiday weekend

Maximum fine of $100,000 can be laid for violations of the new Emergency Measures By-law
As residents prepare to observe Passover, Easter and Vaisakhi this long weekend, the City of Vaughan is urging everyone to follow the physical distancing protocols put in place to help stop the spread of COVID-19.
Traditionally, this is a time to gather with family, friends and neighbours.

Council approves Emergency Measures By-law

Fines range from $500 to $100,000
During an electronic-participation special Council meeting on Wednesday, April 8, Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua and Members of Council approved the Emergency Measures By-law.
The by-law provides further authority, subject to the Municipal Act, to the Mayor and City of Vaughan staff to issue responsive, timely and effective orders during this state of emergency.

PSA: City puts supports in place for seniors

Deadline to apply for Elderly Home-Owners Tax Assistance extended to help ease burden caused by COVID-19

The City of Vaughan is extending the deadline to apply for the Elderly Home-Owners Tax Assistance program to May 15, marking the latest in a series of measures that have been introduced to provide relief to seniors and help ease the burden caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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