Explore March’s By-law of the Month

Fence under construction

Learn everything you need to know about Vaughan’s Fence By-law


By-laws are put in place to ensure a safe and orderly community for all who live, work and play in Vaughan. Each month, the City of Vaughan explores a different by-law and what it means for you. This month, let’s take a look at the Fence By-law (PDF).


Here’s what you need to know

The City’s Fence By-law outlines the height, construction, placement, material, maintenance and other requirements for fences and swimming pool enclosures in Vaughan. The by-law applies to all fences within Vaughan, except for noise-reducing fences, walls or other barriers authorized by or erected by the municipal, regional, provincial or federal government.


Fence heights are regulated depending on location. This is to help ensure public safety by maintaining sightlines for vehicle and pedestrian traffic.


According to the by-law, fences:

  • must be structurally sound and in good repair.
  • shall not be used as a support for any structure.
  • shall not have any barbed wire or other sharp materials on it, except when the fence is located on land zoned for industrial use.
  • shall not conduct an electrical current, except when the fence is located on land zoned for agricultural use and used to raise livestock.
  • shall not be constructed from sheet metal, corrugated metal panels or any materials not usually intended for use in permanent fencing.


If you would like to install a fence that does not comply with the by-law, you can fill out the Fence Height Exemption Application (PDF) to apply for the exemption to be considered.


Shared fences

The Fence Apportionment of Costs By-law 175-93 (PDF) outlines the shared cost of a fence between neighbours and the steps property owners may take to recover costs of shared divisional fences. Property owners can call the City at 905-832-2281 for clarification. Any disagreements shall be settled in Small Claims Court or the Superior Court of Justice.


Enclosures around pools

To help maintain safety around swimming pools, enclosures must be built around all pools in Vaughan. Here are some of the swimming pool enclosure guidelines from the Fence By-law:

  • A Swimming Pool Enclosure permit (PDF) must be obtained prior to installing a swimming pool or excavating the ground to put in a swimming pool.
  • If the permit is granted, a temporary fence must be erected prior to any ground excavation. 
  • Swimming pool enclosures must be a minimum of 1.22 metres in height, and not have anything on the exterior of the fence to enable climbing, such as railings or other structures. 
  • All gates must be self-closing and have a self-latching device that is at least 1.22 metres above the bottom of the door. 


Read the Fence By-law (PDF) for the full requirements and ensure your contractor is familiar with the by-law before they begin any work.


Ensure your fence and pool installer are licenced by the City. Licensees are required to undertake several consumer and employee protection measures, such as: 

  • provide services in compliance with all relevant City by-laws, regulations and related decisions.
  • carry a minimum of $2 million in commercial general liability insurance coverage for their work.
  • provide a list of all relevant City by-laws and required permits to a customer in writing prior to providing a written contract.
  • provide a written contract to their customers, specifying the work that will be performed and the payment schedule, prior to accepting any payments.
  • display their business name and licence number on a placard issued by the City on the dashboard of their business vehicles, as well as on any signs or advertising, where permitted.


Any person violating the Fence By-law may be fined $250.


To file a complaint about a fence or swimming pool enclosure, call Service Vaughan at 905-832-2281 or email bylaw@vaughan.ca.


Learn more about the Fence By-law.