
Relief from the by-law is requested to permit the construction of a proposed roof over the existing patio located in the rear yard


Relief from the by-law is being requested to permit a proposed loading area to be located between an industrial/warehouse building (to be constructed onsite) and Highway 407. Relief is being requested to facilitate a truck loading area onsite.


Relief from the by-law is being requested to permit the construction of a proposed cabana and gazebo located in the rear yard.


Relief from the by-law is being requested to permit the construction of a proposed two-storey single family detached dwelling.


Consent is being requested for an easement over Part 2 (on the draft Reference Plan submitted with the application) for an access purposes (shared driveway) in favour of the lands to the east municipally known as 300 Gibraltar Road (dominant land).


Consent is being requested for an easement over Part 1 (on the draft Reference Plan submitted with the application) for an access purposes (shared driveway) in favour of the lands to the west municipally known as 150 Gibraltar Road (dominant land).


Consent is being requested to sever a parcel of land for industrial / commercial purposes, approximately 63.20 square metres, as a lot addition, to be merged on title with the abutting lands to the north (municipally known as 196 Bradwick Drive, being Lot 13 on Plan M1832), together with an easement for access purposes (easement described below) over the retained land in favour of the lands to be severed (dominant land). The retained parcel of land is approximately 17,839.40 square metres and has frontage onto Bradwick Drive.


Consent is being requested to sever a parcel of land for commercial purposes, with frontage onto Hunter's Valley Road approximately 20,234.40 square metres reserving an easement for storm and
sanitary services and watermain installation over the severed parcel (servient land} in favour of the retained land (dominant land). The retained parcel of land has frontage onto Highway 50 and is approximately 18,680.50 square metres.

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