To provide relief from the By-law to permit increased garage width to accommodate construction of proposed single family detached dwelling.
To provide relief from the By-law to permit increased garage width to accommodate construction of proposed single family detached dwelling.
To provide relief from the By-law to permit increased garage width to accommodate construction of proposed single family detached dwelling.
To permit increased exterior side yard flankage and reduced interior garage width to accommodate construction of single family dwelling.
To provide relief from the By-law to permit increased garage width to accommodate construction of proposed single family detached dwelling.
To provide relief from the By-law to permit increased garage width to accommodate construction of proposed single family detached dwelling.
Relief from the by-law is requested to permit the *existing deck* to be located in the rear yard.
Note: The applicant has confirmed that the deck is existing and that no further construction or expansion of the existing deck is being proposed as part of this application.
Relief from the By-Law is being requested to permit the construction of a proposed single family dwelling.
Relief from the By-law is being requested to permit construction of a proposed second floor in unit # 32.
Relief from the by-law is requested to permit the existing deck constructed in the rear yard.
Relief from the by-law is being requested to permit the construction of a proposed two-storey single family detached dwelling.