Relief from the by-law is requested to permit the construction of a proposed single family dwelling with a rear deck and covered porch, on Lot 147, Plan 65M-4557.
Relief from the by-law is requested to permit the construction of a proposed single family dwelling with a rear deck and covered porch, on Lot 147, Plan 65M-4557.
Relief from the By-Law is being requested to permit the construction of a cabana to be located in rear yard.
Relief from the by-law is being requested to permit a proposed Place of Amusement within the existing Children's Health Centre (Planet Play).
Note: The proposed place of amusement is a redemption games area (arcade) to be located within existing Health Centre. The existing laser tag was previously approved through Minor Variance A265/11.
Relief to the By-Law is being requested to permit the construction of a proposed Cabana and pool equipment pad.
Relief from the by-law is requested to permit the construction of a proposed side door and step located in the side yard (south).
Relief from the by-law is being requested to permit a proposed one storey addition (family room) to the rear of the existing dwelling.
Relief from the by-law is requested to permit the proposed construction of a deck and shed.
Relief from the by-law is requested to permit the construction of a proposed addition to the existing single-family dwelling.
The proposed addition includes an attached garage (located in rear yard), a reading room/veranda and an additional (hall) entrance (reading room/veranda and entrance are located in front yard).
Relief from the By-law is being requested to permit construction of a proposed (end unit) townhouse (unit #1 ).
Relief from the by-law is being requested to permit the proposed construction of a retail warehouse for home improvement within Unit 7, Building '8'. The proposed retail warehouse for home improvements is
Sherwin Williams Paints.