Relief from By-law 1-88, as amended, is being requested to permit reduced minimum soft landscaping to accommodate the existing Bocce Court located in the rear/exterior side yard.
Relief from By-law 1-88, as amended, is being requested to permit reduced minimum soft landscaping to accommodate the existing Bocce Court located in the rear/exterior side yard.
Relief from By-law 1-88, as amended, is being requested to permit the construction of a proposed single family dwelling.
Relief from By-law 1-88, as amended, is being requested to permit the **existing side door entrance on the south side of the property. The side door is required to provide access to a second dwelling unit in the basement.
Relief from By-law 1-88, as amended, is being requested to permit the construction of a proposed covered deck and stairs located in the rear yard.
Relief from By-law 1-88, as amended, is being requested to permit the installation of a proposed swimming pool.
Relief from By-law 1-88, as amended, is being requested to permit two existing canopies located in the rear yard.
Relief from By-law 1-88, as amended, is being requested to permit the construction of a proposed covered patio at the rear of the existing dwelling.
Relief from By-law 1-88, as amended, is being requested to permit the construction of a proposed single-family dwelling.
Relief from By-law 1-88, as amended, is being requested to permit the construction of a proposed vestibule which will serve as the new main entrance to the existing building.
Relief from By-law 1-88, as amended, is being requested to permit the construction of a proposed single-family dwelling.