Green Buildings

Green Buildings are key to urban environmental sustainability through establishing a sustainable built form. The City of Vaughan continues to set the bar high for construction of green buildings with the adoption of the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), an internationally accepted benchmark for the design, construction and operation of high-performance green buildings.


In 2009, the Green Energy Act and its regulation, Ontario Regulation (O. Reg.) 397/11, required broader public sector (BPS) organizations in Ontario, including municipalities, to publicly report on energy consumption and associated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions annually. The regulation also requires publishing and implementing five-year energy conservation and demand management plans (energy management plans) related to the assets and operations of the organization.


Restoration and Enhancement

Grow Zones

In taking the Mayors’ Monarch Pledge, the City committed to identifying opportunities for revised mowing programs and planting pollinator-friendly plants. Vaughan has embarked in identifying Grow Zones which will be left as natural enhancement areas. Natural enhancement areas will not be mowed but left with tall grass and plants. The City will continue to identify priority Grow Zone sites and are developing signs to promote this initiative.

Benefits of Grow Zones:

Pollinator Projects

What are the Five B's?

The Five B's are pollinators - birds, butterflies, bees, beetles and bats! Most of us think of butterflies and bees when it comes to pollination, but we can’t ignore other insects, birds and mammals that play an important role in pollination.

Green Directions Vaughan Project Updates

Next Steps


In December 2019, Council adopted the new 2019 Green Directions Vaughan and now it’s time for the City to demonstrate how we lead and how we operate to create a sustainable and resilient Vaughan. Throughout 2019 and beyond, the City will take the following steps to guide Vaughan to help maintain a healthy natural environment, vibrant communities and a strong economy:

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