Tennis and Racquet Sports Study

The City is undertaking a Tennis and Racquet Sports Study to assess existing racquet sports courts, like tennis or pickleball, and assess community needs, to help the City respond to changing facility use and demand. Once complete, the study will help improve access and operations, including the number, location and types of facilities, and help the City recognize how to effectively meet the growing and changing needs and expectations of residents and community sports organizations, across Vaughan.


Toy Drive

Mayor Steven Del Duca and Members of Council invite local schools, residents and businesses to take part in the drive by dropping off a new, unwrapped toy at any one of the designated locations across the City. The toys, for children aged newborn to 18 years-of-age will be accepted at Vaughan community centres, libraries and fire halls until December 13, 2024. Toys also can be dropped off at Vaughan City Hall until December 13, 2024.  

Vaughan wins 2023 Canadian HR Award for Most Effective Recruitment Strategy!

The City of Vaughan’s greatest resource is its staff – and the City employs best practices to attract and retain high-quality talent. And our efforts are being noticed! Recently, the City won a 2023 Canadian HR Award in the Most Effective Recruitment Strategy category. This achievement was celebrated at the Tuesday, Oct. 17 Committee of the Whole (2) meeting by Mayor Steven Del Duca and Members of Council during a special ceremonial presentation.  


There is still time to register for the City’s PA Day programs on Oct. 20

This Friday, Oct. 20 is a PA Day – do your kids have plans? Don’t worry, the City of Vaughan has you covered! There are still spots available for children aged three to 14 years old to attend one of our PA Day programs at select community centres. Pre-registration is required at


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