Relief from By-law 1-88, as amended and By-law 01-2021 is being requested to permit the installation of a proposed (inground) swimming pool and hot tub.
Relief from By-law 1-88, as amended and By-law 01-2021 is being requested to permit the installation of a proposed (inground) swimming pool and hot tub.
Relief from By-law 1-88 and By-law 01-2021, as amended, is being requested to permit the construction of a proposed secondary suite above the existing garage and to permit the existing shed in the side yard.
Relief from By-law 1-88, as amended, is being requested to permit an increased maximum driveway/curb width.
Relief from By-law 1-88, as amended, is being requested to permit increased maximum driveway width.
Relief from By-law 1-88, as amended, is being requested to permit the construction of a proposed canopy at the rear of the existing dwelling. The proposed canopy will cover an existing concrete patio.
Relief from By-law 1-88, as amended and By-law 01-2021 is being requested to permit the construction of a proposed cabana to be located in the rear yard.
Relief from By-law 1-88, as amended is being requested to permit the uncovered existing uncovered wood deck located in the rear yard.
Relief from By-law 1-88, as amended, is being requested to permit a one-storey addition to the rear of the existing dwelling.
Relief from by-law 1-88, as amended, is being requested to permit the construction of a proposed cabana to be located in the rear yard.
Relief from By-law 1-88, as amended, is being requested to permit the construction of a proposed cabana to be located in the rear yard.