Voter Information

Campaign Contributions

Contributions to candidates may be made by individuals who are residents of Ontario. Corporations and trade unions are not permitted to make contributions to candidates at a municipal election.


Contributions to candidates for office on Vaughan Council or for a School Board are subject to limits as follows:

Vaughan Accord

Vaughan Accord


We acknowledge that it is a privilege to be elected as a Member of the City of Vaughan Council for the 2018-2022 term of office. As Members of Council we honour that privilege by dedicating ourselves to the task of city-building, knowing that a vibrant and successful city depends on a Council that is prepared to work together, constructively, and always in the interest of the City of Vaughan.


Accordingly, we commit to:

Ward 4 - Chris Ainsworth


Councillor Chris Ainsworth is a senior administrator with almost three decades of experience in sales, marketing, business development, operations and corporate strategy. Having obtained a Bachelor of Commerce Degree from Ryerson University, Chris’ background and experience bring a strong corporate background, invaluable business relations and leadership skills to his role as Ward 4 Councillor.

Ward 3 - Rosanna DeFrancesca


Rosanna’s professional background includes over 20 years of business management experience in the restaurant, retail and service industries.

She has held positions in human resources, employee management, sales and marketing, customer service and fiscal management. This vast experience has given her the invaluable knowledge and insight needed to help grow and transform the City’s course and administration.

Ward 2 - Adriano Volpentesta


Councillor Adriano Volpentesta is a well-known community champion with a successful record of delivering positive results for Woodbridge. He puts citizens first by going above and beyond to listen, respond and address resident concerns. Councillor Volpentesta is a champion for many community improvement projects, including boulevard beautification, Kipling Ave. road repairs, infrastructure upgrades across Ward 2, and school and youth safety campaigns.


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