Woodbridge Focus Area Study Archive
- Section 1: Special Policy Area Justification Report
- Appendix A: Terms of Reference for the Woodbridge Focused Area Study
- Appendix B: Summary of Special Policy Area Policies
- Appendix C:
Woodbridge Focused Area Study
The Woodbridge Centre Secondary Plan, with modifications, was adopted at Council on May 6th, 2014. The Secondary Plan was included as Attachment # 1 to the Special Policy Area (SPA) Justification Report package, subsequently submitted to the Province for approval of the Woodbridge SPA. The City received a letter from the Province approving the SPA Justification Report package in the Fall of 2014. The SPA package, including the Woodbridge Centre Secondary Plan, may be found at the City Clerk’s webpage:
Council Report - May 6, 2014 (Item # 35)
West Vaughan Employment Lands Archive
The West Vaughan Employment Area Secondary Plan (track changes version) - As adopted by Council on September 7, 2010, subject to Council modification on January 27, 2013.
West Vaughan Employment Lands
While the southern part of this employment area has developed (the Vaughan Enterprise Zone), the lands north of Langstaff - the West Vaughan Employment Area (WVEA) - have not proceeded due to uncertainty around the proposed Highway 427 extension. As the preferred alignment for the Highway 427 extension has been identified through the Environmental Assessment process, further planning and development of these lands has been completed and adopted by Council on September 7 2010.
Vaughan Official Plan - Volume 1
The Vaughan Official Plan 2010 was adopted by the City of Vaughan Council on September 7, 2010 and endorsed with modifications by the Region of York on June 28, 2012. It was appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) and has subsequently received partial approval by the OMB.
City of Vaughan Official Plan 2010, Volume 1 - Current Office Consolidation, as partially approved by the Ontario Municipal Board:
Vaughan Official Plan, Volume 1, Archive
- Table of Contents
- Section 1: Introduction
- Section 2: Managing Growth
- Section 3: Environment
- Section 4: