Weston 7 Secondary Plan Project Updates

The Weston 7 Secondary Plan is currently at the end of phase two, which includes developing the draft Secondary Plan and engaging in public consultation. The Plan will soon be moving into phase 3, which includes navigating the secondary plan through the approvals process, a statutory public meeting, a recommendation report to the Committee of the Whole and Council adoption.


Get Involved

The City of Vaughan values the voice of its residents and is dedicated to promoting a dialogue with the community that is open, transparent, accessible and inclusive. Community consultation is a key component of the study process.


What’s been done to date

The following outlines the past engagement opportunities for the Weston 7 Secondary Plan to date:


Phase one

About the Weston 7 Secondary Plan

Located in Ward 3, the approximately 123-hectare study area is bounded by Fieldstone Drive and Chrislea Road to the north; the Highway 400 corridor to the east; the Highway 407 corridor, Rowntree Dairy Road and Winges Road to the south; and Ansley Grove Road and Whitmore Road to the west. The area is bisected by the Highway 7 Bus Rapid Transit and contains two Bus Rapid Transit stops. Weston 7 is located within two York Region Protected Major Transit Station Areas, being the Weston Bus Rapid Transit and Ansley Grove Bus Rapid Transit.


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