Pet Licensing

Some online features include the ability to:
• Upload documents in pdf and other formats (such as rabies certificates)
• Change account information (such as contact info, pet status, etc.)
• Order replacement tags when originals are lost
• Find existing tag information easily

Vaughan's Emergency Planning

What is an emergency?

An emergency can result from an existing danger or a threat of impending danger. Its nature and size require a controlled and coordinated response by a number of government, private and community agencies.


Emergencies are categorized as:

  • natural
  • human-caused
  • technological


Emergencies vary in scale:

Fire Stations

Emergency responses include:

  • fires
  • sudden medical emergencies
  • technical rescues

All emergency response units are equipped with advanced life support equipment and are always operated by licensed firefighters who take courses throughout the year to ensure their training is up to date.



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